Work Smart Tip: Identify Your Own Focus Time
I have tried numerous ways to get organised and be more productive. What I have learnt is that how we organise ourselves and our time is very dependent on our inbuilt rhythms.
We need to identify when our most productive time is during the day (mine is either straight after breakfast or from 3pm to 6pm)
Once you know your most productive times then organise your day around these times. Schedule in your projects and tasks that take a lot of concentration and focus for these times.
Your other mundane or collaborative tasks can be worked around these times.
Work Smart Tips
Helping You Stay Up-to-Date with Technology and more…
The idea behind this series of tips is to make your life at work easier. Most people don’t have the time or the inclination to find out every feature of the technology they use at work.
So we have decided to do it for you.
We will also share some tips on improving time management, productivity and more.
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