Frequently Asked Questions
Right for You 30 minute free service
We offer a 30 minute free meeting either in person or over Zoom so you get the right service. This is where you outline what your dilemma is and we discuss our service options with you.
What is Career Counselling?
You and your Expand Careers Consultant will discuss things that make you happy, what your interests are, what your values are ie what is important to you, what motivates you ie what makes you want to get out of bed and go to work. Then we will look into your past experiences: the skills and knowledge you have acquired through study and work.
We may suggest you complete some Career Assessments and we will talk over the results with you. We then start looking at occupations that you might like and researching what is involved with them. Using all this information, we will support you to decide what career direction you want to take and help you plan your way forward.
This service includes a personalised, easy-to-follow program and a career profile that will help you to understand a bit more about yourself in relation to your career.
How do I know if Expand Careers will help me?
- If you are you frustrated about your career path and its lack of momentum we can help you discover the reason
- If you are overwhelmed with choices of what to study, where to study, whether there are other options to study we can help you decide your best option
- If you feel trapped in a job you hate we can help you explore your options and help you make a decision that is best for you.
- If you know you need to improve some of your interpersonal skills or leadership skills we can provide DISC Advanced assessments and coaching
- If you are nervous about a job interview we can help you prepare and practice so you feel ready for this important day
- If you are not sure how to best market yourself in a resume we can help you through reviewing your resume or preparing it for you.
- If you are having trouble with a colleague/s then we can help you through understand how you work with others
- If you are you finding it hard to get to all your appointments and commitments
Essentially, if you are you experiencing any career related questions or changes. Then Expand Careers can help you.
Book our free half hour “Choose Your Service” session.
What services does Expand Careers offer?
We also offer coaching in skills that you need to develop your career and that employers are looking for, such as managing career change, digital literacy, information management, communication and more. As part of our services we also provide workshops and webinars in these skills.
Our job application writing and editing service involves us working closely with you to write resumes, cover letters and selection criteria that demonstrate the skills, experience and knowledge you have that makes you the best person for the job.
If you would like to know more about any of our services please contact us either by phone/message: 0477 819 136 or by email: or go to the Expand Careers Services page.
How do I book a service?
What will it cost me?
Will I need more than one consultation?
Do I need to bring anything with me to the session?
Should I have a cover letter?
What is the difference between a general resume and a specialist resume?
A specialist resume is for those people looking to change careers or who want to draw attention to specific skills and knowledge that they have. It is very useful where there is no selection criteria.
Why would I get Expand Careers Consulting to review my job application documentS?
What is your online work protfolio?
Do I need a current LinkedIn profile?
Another aspect of being current on LinkedIn is to join the professional conversation and become an active part of a group, sharing your knowledge and gaining knowledge from others in your field.
What is a Social Media Creer profile?
How do I connect with you on Zoom?
What if I don't want to book a further consultation after getting the half hour free session?
Can I get a refund if I am not able to make our appointment?
Please check our Terms and Conditions which outlines our policy on refunds.
Is Expand Careers a recruitment agency?
We will be happy to refer clients to some fantastic recruitment agencies once we have established what direction you will be taking.
What is Skills Coaching?
What is a Skills Audit?
What are Enterprise or Transferable Skills?
Often an employer will choose someone who has well-developed employability skills if they can train them in the technical skills. Expand Careers Consulting offers coaching and mentoring in enterprise/transferrable skills.
What are Technical Skills?
What skills does Expand Careers Consulting provide coaching on?
- Career development skills such as managing your career in times of change; making career decisions; how to help your school leaver make career decisions; job application writing; interview tips
- Productivity skills such as decision making; essential digital skills; managing your information; problem-solving; research skills; being productive; time management and organisational skills.
- Interpersonal Skills: verbal, written and non-verbal skills; leadership skills; how you work with others; innovative thinking; good customer service.
What do I do to get started on improving my work skills?
What topics does Expand Careers Consultion provide workshops and webinars on?
Topics include:
Career Development Skills
- Get prepared to change your career
- How to help your school leaver make career decisions
- Managing your career in times of change
- Presenting Your Best Self at Interview
- Writing Successful Job Applications
Productivity Skills
- Decision Making Strategies
- Essential Digital Skills for Work
- Information Management for fast information retrieval
- Importance of Problem-solving and Analysing for Work
- The Research Skills You Need to Find Valid Information
- Ultimate Guide to Being Productive: doing more in less time
Interpersonal Skills
- Communication- verbal, written, non-verbal
- DISC Advanced -You and Leadership
- DISC Advanced – You, Others and Teams
- Thinking Innovatively
- What Makes Good Customer Service
How do I book into an Expand Careers Consultiing workshop or webinar?
- You can put your name and email on our waiting list here
- You can fill out a booking form for our next workshop/webinar event
- You can book via our Facebook page
Talking with Kate made me recognise skills that I could use towards a new career and also made me aware that I had a lot to offer.
The program that Kate and I hashed out together kept me on track and I have now changed career paths and am working in a job that makes me feel more fulfilled than the work I did previously.
My main concern was finding someone to prepare a professional and polished application so Katie could make it to the interview stage of the recruitment process, because I knew that the job she wanted for her gap year was going to be very competitive.
I would recommend Jo’s expertise to anyone of any age who really wants an edge to their application.
I was very happy and told Jo she is worth more money!