Useful Links
Job Outlook:
Provides a whole list of occupations with prospects, wages and a lot of other relevant data.
New Work Mindset Report:
From the Foundation for Young Australians provides us with an importaay we think of careers. Think Job Clusters rather than a linear career path.
Regional Patterns of Australia’s Economy and Population:
Provides an interesting report with a data chart and interactive maps to demonstrate the changes in population, work, work conditions and unemployment in regional Australia and contrasts it to Urban Australia.
Useful Websites
Australian Government:
Career Information provides information on a variety of career services including Job Outlook.
Course Finders
There are a number of sites you can use to find accredited courses that might suit you.
- Job Starter for Accredited Courses
- Course Seeker for Diploma and above courses.
Foundation for Young Australians:
Foundation for Young Australians provides research, reports, connections to young Australians. A lot of their amazing research is relevant to everyone.
Grattan Institute:
Report on Regional Patterns of Australia’s Economy and Population provides an interesting report with a data chart and interactive maps to demonstrate the changes in population, work, work conditions and unemployment in regional Australia and contrasts it to Urban Australia.
Labour Market Information Portal, ABS:
Employment Region Data
Labour Market Information Portal:
Labour Market Information Portal for information on the labour market at national, state, regional levels.
Regional Australia Institute:
A think tank on issues in regional Australia. It has reports, statistics, interactive maps and tables of comparison for example the Great Small Cities Data Tool.
So many things to know and consider when starting off in a career or even when you want to change your career. Knowing about yourself and your interests, favourite subjects, work preferences, values and also knowing what jobs are out there that may suit those areas takes expertise and understanding.
If you are unsure about any of these things, if you need someone to help you plan for your future career then take advantage of the free ½ hour “Getting to Know You” Session with Jo or Kate at Expand Careers Consulting. Booking a consultation with a Career Counsellor is your first step to taking control of your working life.