Thank-You For
Signing up

Congratulations, firstly for listening to the ‘Ask me Anything” session with Jo Palmer from Pointer Remote and Jo Pilon from Expand Careers. We hope you learnt a lot about regional careers.

As you watched the video you are now eligible for the 25% discount off the Expand Careers 8 Steps to Career Clarity” package.  As you are obviously looking for advice around your career we thought the best place to start would be with our 30 minutes free “Right for You” service so we can work out the best times etc for you. This is where you can Book the free 30 minutes “Right for You” session.

As you have so kindly given us your email address we would like to send some helpful career hints from time to time. We promise not to send too much, and we hope what we do send you is useful and informative.

Your free Career Change Decision Guide should be in your email box in the next 15 minutes. Thank you!

All the best

Jo & Kate
Expand Careers