Tarron a New Graduate: Expand Career Guest

By Jo Pilon

Tarron shares what it’s like to be a new Graduate and new to Working in Regional Areas.

Hi Tarron,

Thanks for agreeing to be our first guest blogger at Expand Careers Consulting, we are very excited to have you here and especially interested in learning about your thoughts on working in regional Australia.

What is your current Qualification?

I graduated from the University of Melbourne in 2016 with a Bachelor of Environments, majoring in Environmental Science.

What is your current position?

I am part of the 2017 cohort of graduates with Evolution Mining. My role is as an Environmental Graduate. The format of the program is that I complete two 12 month rotations; my next rotation will be at our Mt Carlton site based out of Townsville.

Have you worked in this type of work before? If yes was it located in the city or regions?

No, this is my first time in this role and in this industry (mining). However, I am originally from Melbourne and this is my first time working and living regionally.

Why did you choose to come to a regional area for employment?

Honestly, the choice was not mine. As part of my graduate program I am placed at two mine sites within the company and it just turned out that Cowal was my first rotation which sees me currently living in West Wyalong.

I think one of the benefits of working in the mining industry is the option to live and work in regional areas that you would otherwise never see.

Do you think your experience will be different due to working in a regional area? If yes, in what ways?

I believe that I have diversified my skills a lot faster working in a regional area due to the need to ‘wear many hats’. I have the support and opportunity to challenge myself by taking on projects that would not normally be in my scope of work.

Do you think you will be doing more study in the future? If yes, do you know what you want to do?

I certainly will be, I love to learn, so it’s a no brainer. I’m not yet certain exactly what, but I might look at specialising further within environmental science or diversifying and exploring something like business administration or disaster management.

Can you name three things you love about living and working in the country?

Regional living comes with both its pros and cons. Accessibility to facilities is sacrificed for what I consider a more meaningful and simple way of life. Fresh country air replaces heavy traffic exhaust fumes. And convenience is traded for a strong sense of community. These things just can’t be found elsewhere.

Thank you so much for taking the time to be our Guest Blogger, Tarron. It has been a pleasure hearing all about your new venture into living and working in regional Australia and I am pleased to hear how much you are getting out it both personally and professionally.

Interested to Know More?

So many things to know and consider when starting off in a career or even when you want to change your career. Knowing about yourself and your interests, favourite subjects, work preferences, values and also knowing what jobs are out there that may suit those areas takes expertise and understanding.

If you are unsure about any of these things, if you need someone to help you plan for your future career then take advantage of the free ½ hour “Getting to Know You” Session with Jo or Kate at Expand Careers Consulting. Booking a consultation with a Career Counsellor is your first step to taking control of your working life.

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